Whilst many users simply need to export excel or csv data files, you may have more complex export requirements, such as exporting to other data formats, or wish to view your codeframes outside of the tool.  codeit also provides quality reports and filtered cross-tabulations as well as wordclouds.

After reading the overview of all the options and a video guide, click on the options below for each of the export scenarios and detailed process to follow.

Type of exportWhen to use this export

Simple data export to Excel or csv

Exporting a csv or Excel file that has been coded - this format is easily read into many other platforms.
Data in other formatsWhen you want to import a specific format of data in to your analysis platform, such as Quantum, SPSS, Dimensions and more.
You want to view your codeframes in Excel.
Data frequencies (simple cross tabulations showing results)
codeit enables you to produce simple cross tabulations of the coded questions to display counts and percentages for each code, as well as filters.
Verbatims for manual translation
If as part of your coding project you need to export verbatims to be translated and later reimported into codeit (e.g. it the coding team works in the master language and not the native language)
Data checks
Used to check the consistency of coding or to show the percentage of quality checks that have been done.
This format visually shows the number of mentions of particular words or phrases in the verbatim set.