As well as simple data export formats such as csv and Excel, codeit can export in the formats required by specific analysis platforms such as Quantum and SPSS. This article covers all of these more complex data formats and the settings involved.
In order to know what specific export type you need for your project/company, we recommend you liaise with your IT/Data Processing team to decide on the desired settings.  The information here assumes that you and/or your team understand the technical specifications of your own software to feed into this process.

The table below shows additional information on how the data is exported for each format.  Examples of each of these data formats can be found at the bottom of this help guide for reference.

Export data formatRequirements & Format
SPSS Code Values Format

One Variable within the project must be set as the Record Id variable.  Export consists of a .zip file containing: 1"sps" definition file per variable and 1 overall csv file containing the raw data

SPSS Sav File

One Variable within the project must be set as the Record Id variable

  • Headers are added to the file as one per SPSS Variable. The naming of these variables follows the standard codeit export variable naming convention.
  • Variables without a codeframe attached are exported as string values.
  • Variables with a codeframe assigned are exported as "F8" (Fortran, Width 8) numeric values
  • Variables with a codeframe assigned are also exported with codeframe labels attached
SPSS Sav File - Dichotomous

One Variable within the project must be set as the Record Id variable

  • Headers are added to the file as one per codeframe and net/sub-net category. The naming of these variables will contain the codeframe category label and numeric value.
  • All Net/Sub-Nets and codeframe categories must have a numeric value assigned in Codeit.
  • Data cells will contain "1" as a value where a codeframe or net/sub-net category has been assigned.

SPSS DimensionsCreates 3 .txt files for use in a Dimensions merge script.
SPSS Dimensions - SQL format (beta)Creates a single .txt file using SQL "UPDATE" syntax to populate the report database. 
Quantum Code ValuesQuantum tabulation specs using the numeric code values. Based on card/column positions.
Quantum VariablesQuantum tabulation specs using variable arrays based on the numeric code values. Not reliant card/column positions.
Response LevelTransposes and exports into one item of data per row, as opposed to the usual layout of one record per row