codeit enables you to export the codeframes from your project, as well as frequency counts of the number and percentage of respondents that mentioned each code.  Watch the video below to learn how to export codeframes and frequencies. Refer to the table below for examples of each export type as well as examples of each export type shown at the bottom of this article.

Each of the steps and options covered in this video has a tooltip that is shown in the software itself and listed in the Data Export Wizard Options ExplainedYou can also find out more about the import settings that you can change at company level in this guide: Data Export Company Settings.  

Codeframe exports explained

Examples of the codeframe export options are shown at the bottom of this page and can be viewed in Excel. The table below summarises the different codeframe options and use cases.  For frequency reports, which display the number and percentage of respondents giving each coded answer, see this article.

CodeframeExports a codeframe with no header row
Simple codeframe
Exports a codeframe with a header row
Codeframe ContentsExports each codeframe on an Excel sheet, with separate sheets explaining the text matching rules and exceptions appliedText matching rules and exceptions are explained in this help article