Whilst some settings are controlled at company-level, it is often useful or required to set requirements at project-level.

Project-level settings can be found via the Administration area by clicking "Projects" on the left-hand menu.  

Note that when you first click on 'Projects' via the lefthand menu below, you will see a list of all your projects and the ability add a new project.  These options are explained here.

You can then click on any existing project and adjust settings by the topics shown.  Each of these topic screens is explained where needed via the links below.  

Project-level Setting CategoryIndividual setting descriptions
Project DetailsFind out more about project details here
CodeframesFind out more about project level codeframe settings here
VariablesFind out more about project level variables settings here
TasksFind out more about project level tasks settings here
WavesFind out more about project level waves settings here
LanguagesFind out more about project level languages settings here
PeopleFind out more about project level people settings here
Project Settings

Shows you a list of all the data you have imported into your project.
Import dataThis is a shortcut to the import data wizard
Export dataThis is a shortcut to the export wizard
Active SessionsShows any live active coding sessions happening at this point in time.
Data ToolsThis is a shortcut to the data tools section