This article lists out the options available within the data export wizard, with explanations and links to further references to explain how to use these options where needed.  You can export data in all the formats required, plus a number of useful reports.

codeit allows for many different data exports and reports to be produced, due to the many and varied data formats and software used for survey programming and other data processing uses and software.  Each one has specific parameters that needs to be accounted for in the export.  This detailed reference guide provides you with a full list of all of these options. 

The table below lists the main exports that can be done from this data export wizard and their use cases.  

For each export type there are another one or two screens that will dynamically change based on the option chosen.  For each export option shown above (or group of options), the options provided on screens two (and three if relevant) will be shown in a separate page linked in column three below.

ItemDescriptionFurther wizard options
CompanyIf your company has sub-companies, you can select the appropriate one here.-
ProjectSelect project-
Export optionCodeframes - export the actual codeframe used for a task/variable, as well as a frequency report with related data. Find out more here.Codeframe wizard options
Data Checks - export from a selection of quality reports, see here for more details.Data checks wizard options
Records - Data can be exported in a range of formats, see here for more details.Records wizard options
Translations - choose to export the translation feed file - see here for more information on when and how to use this feature.Translations wizard options
Wordclouds - This option allows you to export source variable data to a visual wordcloud (with or without raw data) in the PNG format.  More information here.Wordcloud wizard options