This section lists all the export options and variable choices for exporting records.

Main Options
Export TypeAll records or flagged records
The flag option can be used in different ways e.g. coders can flag specific items for checking if they are not sure, or this could be used to flag personal information. This option allows all flagged records to be exported.
Export FormatChoose the export format required;
  • Comma Separated (csv) - This is the most basic export type with data records appearing by rows and variables separated by commas
  • Excel Workbook - This option provides data exported to an excel workbook with each record appearing by row and variables separated by columns
  • Excel Workbook - Dichotomous - see details here
  • Quantum Code Values/Variables - Quantum requires exports in two files, one containing the code values (the data itself) and one containing the variables (the metadata, or variable names, labels etc)
  • Response level - see details here (formats explained in the import section)
  • SPSS - SPSS requires exports in two files, one containing the code values (the data itself) and one containing the variables (the metadata, or variable names, labels etc). Data can be exported to classic SPSS (typically used for advanced analytics) or Dimensions (a common data collection/analysis platform)
WaveChoose wave(s) and/or default
Task(s)All variables or selected tasks - you can choose to export specific coded questions as specified in your tasks
Export TranslationsWhether you wish to export the translated verbatim as well as the original language.  Not available for Excel Dichotomous
Advanced options:
Exclude Temporary CodesTemporary codes are those added by coders which have not been approved by supervisors yet.
(csv, Excel only)
Column Layout Type

  • Source/Target Pairing - This will export coded variables next to the source question e.g. Q1, Q1_c, Q2, Q2_c
  • Default - Will export the original data first then coded variables afterwards e.g. Q1, Q2, Q1_c, Q2_c
(Excel, Response Level only)
Export task per sheet
Yes/No - choose to export each task on a separate worksheet
(Response Level only)
Include Context
If yes, context variables can be selected from a list
More on context variables here
LanguageChoose export language (multi-language projects only)
Coded Variable SuffixIf you wish to use alternative suffix
Additional options (next screen)(csv, Excel only)
Display FormatFor variables with codeframes; 
  • Code - numeric code will be exported
  • Code & Label - numeric code and code label will be exported
  • Label - label only will be exported
  • Default - if no changes have been made to the admin section, the default is as per 'code' option.
Remove BlanksChoose between;
  • Remove Blank Columns
  • Remove Blank Rows
  • Remove Blank Rows and Columns
Mulitcode formatChoose between concatenated, expanded (separated) or default.  See here for more information.


For Quantum specifically, the following additional options require input.  If you are unsure, you should contact your own Data Processing team to ensure you choose the right values and options.

RID Variable WidthEnter value, default 5
Code WidthEnter value, default 3
Max Codes AllowedEnter value, default 10
Initial Card ValueYou can define the first card value, after which they will be added automatically sequentially. If you click 'yes' to define all card values yourself, this option is excluded.
Define All Card ValuesYes/No - If Yes, each question requiring card value will be displayed (Enter value, default 1)