To find Project Details and edit them for the options shown below, you need to navigate to the Admin & Settings menu as shown on the lefthand panel below, click 'Projects' then select a project.  Once within a project, you can click on Project Details to find the options below and adjust or review.  Each of these options is described in the table below.

Project NameThe text name used to refer to a project.
Project names must be unique within a company.
Project Code (Optional)The Project Code can be used to store a custom identifier for a project.
Description (Optional)Optional description
Include for BillingHow does this impact?  Wouldn't everyone say no and hope for the best?
Project StatusOptions are;
More details on Project Status and impact here.
Short Text Length CutoffIf set, adds an additional breakdown of stats in the Project Details page, by "short" vs "long" verbatims. Any verbatims less than or equal to the cutoff value will be counted as "short" verbatims. Anything longer than the cutoff will be counted as a "long" verbatim.