This section shows the settings that appear when you go to Administration > Projects > Select Project > Click on 'Waves' under 'settings' section as shown below.

Wave NameThe text name used to refer to a wave within a project.
Wave names must be unique within each project.
Scheduled Start DateThe date when coding is due to start for a wave.
This setting is used primarily for information and filtering purposes in the Codeit project summary landing page.
Scheduled End DateThe date when coding is due to end for a wave.
This setting is used primarily for information and filtering purposes in the Codeit project summary landing page.
Allow ImportsThis setting specifies whether data can be imported into the wave.
Sometimes it can be useful to explicitly disable imports to prevent imports into waves that are complete or should not have new records added.
The default for this setting is "Yes" (i.e. imports are allowed)
Attempting to import data into a wave where imports are disallowed, will result in an error during the import process.
Allow OverwritesThis setting specifies whether existing data can be overwritten during the import process.
The default for this setting is "No" (i.e. data cannot be overwritten)
Attempting to overwrite data when overwrite is disallowed, will result in an error during the import process.
For more information on this subject, see here.
Wave StatusThis setting is used to denote the current status of a wave in the coding lifecycle.
This setting restricts actions (e.g. import, coding, verify) according to the lifestage of the wave.
For more information on this subject, see here.
Use as Machine Learning Training DataA yes/no setting that controls whether data in a given wave can be used as training data to train the Machine Learning layer of the Codeit AI