It is often necessary for compliance purposes, as well as the general desire to confirm the quality of coding, to perform quality assurance on the work undertaken by coders.  This may be required for new coders working on a project, as well as to provide a required level of QC on a project or company level.  At the same time, with many coders on a project and the existence of human error, it is useful to compare all verbatims and the coding assigned to ensure it has been consistent over the whole data set. 

This is addressed in codeit with two tools:

  • Quality Checking - the quality checking tool within codeit allows a supervisor or manager to verify manual and auto coding by checking a percentage of coding to ensure quality. 
  • Inconsistency Report - this report shows where different IDs with the same verbatim answers have been allocated different codes

Watch the video below for a summary of how to use these tools.

See more information on quality verification stages and the format of inconsistency reports.