This section provides more detail on the options within Quality Checking mode that are described in the video guide on quality management.  

The Quality Checking tool enables the user to filter by specific coders, select all or a random percentage of records according to the quality standards the company has set, then approve or reject the item depending on the quality of the coding.

The verification status options are shown in the screenshot below (column QA status) and are each described in the table underneath.

The QA Status options that can be selected by the quality checker are shown below.  Once these status codes have been used, you can export the data file and see the QA column for reference and review.

QA StatusMeaning
UncheckedThe record for this task may be coded or blank, or partially coded.  The process of coding is not yet started, or underway, or completed.  Without the below steps being taken, the supervisor has to assume coding is completed through other means, such as communication from the coder, or the assumption that if codes have been allocated the coding for that record is complete.  Using the below process and tools takes away any uncertainty.

The coder can mark a verbatim as "finished" to indicate that they're done and the item is ready for QA checking.

ApprovedThe verifier reviews the coding and approves the codes allocated to the verbatim, choosing the 'approved' option to indicate the pass.
Note: Once marked as approved, then the Codeit AI will not make any further changes to this item.
RejectedThe verifier reviews the coding and concludes that the coding is not (completely) correct, choosing this option to indicate action must be taken.