When in the manual coding panel (area below the headings row), when you right click, the menu shown below will appear.  The table below provides explanations for each option in the list.

All the items in the below menu appear for manual coding, with a sub-set appearing for Quality Checking, as indicated in the second column below.

OptionAppears in quality menuDescription
Flag / unflag selected itemsY
Flags are a way of highlighting a particular verbatim comment.  For example, while in coding or verify mode, the coder or supervisor might want to flag a verbatim for different reasons, such as language quality, respondent needs follow up, etc. This right click selection enables you to add or remove these flags.  More on flags and how to set them up here.
Hide / Unhide selected itemsNIt is possible to hide selected items, say if they are junk items or completely finished in terms of coding and QA.  You can unhide hidden items using the coding settings / display settings / verbatim display (show hidden verbatims).
Set selected items as unchecked / approved / finished / rejectedYMainly used in Quality Checking mode, these options allow you to assign the QA Status via the right click menu rather than the icons on each verbatim in the QA Status column.  Find out more on using Quality Checking mode and the meaning of each assigned QA Status.
Clear all selectionsYClear the QA Status as assigned and described above.
Clear all items with invalid codesYIt is possible to occasionally get an invalid code where one coder applies a code and someone else deleted before (before you save) deletes that code from the codeframe.  This feature enables you to clear the invalid codes.
Add verbatim notesYBrings up a screen within which you can enter notes for the specific verbatim.
Most commonly this could be used when a coder wants to annotate a verbatim, perhaps to document an issue, say, if they are unsure how to code it.
Filter contains [verbatim selected]NApply the selected verbatim elements as a filter for the whole set of verbatim comments.  This option uses the 'contains' functionality so that elements of the verbatim comment string are selected even if not an exact match on the complete phrase as written.
Filter [verbatim selected] NSimilar to the above option, but the filter is based on finding other exact matches of the complete verbatim.
Add [verbatim selected] to CodeframeNAdds the whole verbatim as a code to the codeframe.
Edit and add [verbatim selected] to Codeframe
NAdds the verbatim as a code to the codeframe, but allows you to edit the string first.
View coded examples of [verbatim selected]NBrings up a separate screen with a summary and count of all mentions of the selected verbatim and the codes that have been applied.
Show suggestionsNShows suggested codes.
View RecordYBrings up a separate screen showing the data record for the selected verbatim ID.