codeit enables the user to adjust certain settings for their coding task session.  This article provides explanations for each of the options displayed when you click on the settings button (shown below) within the coding screen.

Display SettingsCodeframe positionChoose whether to position the codeframe to the left- or right-hand side of the screen or hide it altogether.
Codeframe indentationChoose the required level of indentation for codeframe items in nets, where '0' is none and '8' is the maximum.
Font Size: 100% / ResetSelect an option greater than 100% to increase, or less than 100% to decrease the font size of codeframe items and verbatim text.
Records per pageEnter a number between 1 and 500.  This is the maximum number of records displayed on each page. Useful to adjust this or shorten to assist with ease of coding.  The default is 200.
Verbatim displayUse this option to display hidden, flagged or verbatims with notes.
Additional DataShow Columns

Enables you to customise the standard columns shown on the coding screen as well as choose which context variables to display.

TIck the options you wish to display:
  • ID - the unique Record ID (RID) for that verbatim
  • Verbatim Notes - this displays any notes that have been added to a verbatim (via the right click menu in the coding panel)
  • Sub-Variable - for nested data, this will display the sub-variable item that this verbatim relates to (can also be called 'relative value')
  • Length - this will show the number of characters in each text item, including spaces. 
  • Number of codes applied
  • Coverage - the percentage of the verbatim string that has been coded by AI. More details here
  • Changed date - the date that any coding was altered
Context Variable SettingsContext Column WrappingTicking this option prevents the context variable labels / content from wrapping onto multiple lines.  This could be useful to prevent the coding screen from only showing a few records per page where context variables are lengthy in characters.
Show Context ColumnsContext Variables are the supplementary data that is displayed to the coder while coding. For example, "Age", "Gender" and "Region" may all be relevant variables to display alongside the source and target variables. Tasks allow you to include variables like this as "Context Variables".  This option allows you to show or hide the context variables that you have included for the coding task.  

Coding Settings

There are two warning messages that can be controlled:
  • Tick to display a warning message when a certain number of records are about to be changed by a coding action.  Set a number to control the threshold of this warning.
  • Tick to enable a warning message if the codeframe is updated by another coder whilst you are coding
Maximum codesTick to restrict the number of codes you can add to each record by the number entered in the box
Duplicate Code ActionChooses an action to be carried out when you attempt to add a duplicate code to a verbatim.  
  • "Do nothing" will remove the duplicate, leaving the original code in place.
  •  "Toggle" will remove the original code
Segment coding
Whether to enable the Segment coding interface for all tasks.
QA SettingsQA StatusTick to show the QA Status for each verbatim.  This will displays the status (unchecked, finished, approved, rejected) within the standard coding screen, with records shown in red or green.  You can find more on Quality Checking and QA Status here.
Verbatim displayChoose which verbatims to display based on their QA Status.
By selecting from the drop down list the records will be filtered and shown on the standard coding screen.
  • Show all verbatims
  • Show in-progress verbatims
  • Show finished verbatims
  • Show approved and rejected
  • Show approved verbatims
  • Show rejected verbatims

Note - when in Quality Checking mode, these settings appear in the 'Display Settings' screen rather than the 'QA Settings' screen
AI SettingsAIFor more information on how to use AI for coding, please refer to this guide
Text MatchingText Matching automatically applies codes by matching verbatims against identical previously coded verbatims, or matching the verbatim text against the text of codeframe items.  More on text matching in this guide.

Text matching can be controlled in the following ways here:
  • Allow Text Matching: enable the feature
  • Text Matching Frequency: The number of coded examples required before Text Matching can be used to code further occurrences of a verbatim.  Must be a number greater than zero.
Text Rules

Text Rules automatically apply codes by matching using user-defined text matching rules. Text matching rules are defined using syntax that define text patterns to search for.  Find out more here.

This option allows you to enable text rules.
Autocoding ConfidenceLimits the 'show suggestions' feature to suggestions above a certain confidence level. More on confidence levels here.