What is Brand Coding?

Brand Coding is a mode of codeit coding that maximises the efficiency and speed of coding short answers in high volume. This is in contrast to the Standard Coding module which is designed to allow focus on longer verbatim answers that usually have multiple phrases within each record to be coded separately.

When to use Brand Coding

The Brand coding option is recommended when coding one word or short phrase answers, for example, a list of brands. The interface is optimised to show repeated codes and similar codes together so that coding can be done fast for multiple answers at once.

How to use Brand Coding

Watch this video which takes you through the intuitive codeit short text coding interface and features.

Each of the steps and options covered in this video has a tooltip that is shown in the software itself and listed in the Coding & Codeframe Wizard Guide or Coding Screen Overview guideYou can also find out more about the coding and codeframe settings that you can change at project level administration and company level settings.