Administration Section - Company Settings - Project related settings

This section explains the settings for a project that you can control at a project level under Administration > Company > Settings.

Default Idle Duration (in minutes) before being logged out15Allows you to alter the number of minutes before automatically being logged out of Codeit.
Default Task TypeText

Selections are: Unspecified, Short Text, Text, Adverse Events

This allows you to set the default task type for your project, which is useful if your project is mainly brand lists, etc.  You do not need to specify 'Block Coding' here as this is the universal default.

Mandatory Project CodesNoControls whether a project code needs to be provided when creating or editing a project.  Some companies may wish to have internal job numbers applied to all codeit projects for internal controls.
Short Text Length Cutoff
Not SetIf set, adds an additional breakdown of stats in the Project Details page, by "short" vs "long" verbatims. Any verbatims less than or equal to the cutoff value will be counted as "short" verbatims. Anything longer than the cutoff will be counted as a "long" verbatim.
Show Complete Button on External DashboardNoControls whether the "Notify Complete" button is displayed on the External Coder project dashboard.
Target Variable Suffix_cControls the default suffix (if any) to use when creating a target variable.