What are flags?

Refer to this article for a summary video on guide on what flags are and how to set them up, and then also refer to the specific step-by-step instructions on this page.

How to use flags in coding

While coding, the coder can flag a verbatim with any defined flag type. This page explains how to apply a flag to a verbatim. 

In the Standard Coding Screen, the option to flag a verbatim is seen in "Verbatim" text box or in "Verbatim (Translation)" text box, if the translations column is displayed.


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Click the "Flag" icon to display the list of available Flag types. codeit provides a "Default" flag type to all the companies. This will appear along with the company defined flag types.  To define other flag types, see this guide.


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Click on "Translation" to apply this particular flag type to the verbatim. Verbatim is now seen as "Translation" flagged.


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To remove a flag from the verbatim, click the "Flag" icon, and click on the applied flag or use "Clear the flag" option.


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If the company hasn’t defined any flag types, the coder can still use the "Default" flag type, which can be easily applied or removed just by clicking on the "Flag" icon. 


Flags can be applied to verbatims in Verify and Sequential mode too. The steps to apply or remove a flag in these modes is similar to that of the Block coding mode.


In Sequential mode, the "Flag" icon can be found as below.  

Graphical user interface

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