What are flags?

Refer to this article for a summary video on guide on what flags are and how to set them up, and then also refer to the specific step-by-step instructions on this page.

How to set up flags at company level

While coding, the coder might want to flag a verbatim for different reasons. Since these reasons may vary from company to company, codeit provides an option to define flag types at company level.  

From the Codeit Project Dashboard, click the "Administration" button in the top Ribbon Menu.

Click the "Settings" navigation menu, then click on "Flag Types" to view the list of available flag 


Codeit provides a default flag type to every company as shown below. 

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Click the "Add New Flag Type" button to define a new flag type. 

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Enter the Name, Description and Color for the flag type. 

The 'Applies to Sub companies' checkbox is visible if you are at Company (rather than sub-company) level.

Selecting this checkbox, allows all sub-companies to inherit this new flag type, without having to redefine for each sub-company.  


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Once the flag type has been defined, it can now be used to flag a verbatim while coding.  In order to edit a Flag Type, click the Edit button. A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated