After you create a project in Codeit and import some data, users are by default, free to code any task, wave or language they choose from the Codeit Project Dashboard.  Sometimes, however, you may wish to assign external coders to your project, for example if you need specific language skills that you do not have in-house.  Codeit provides an "allocation" system that gives you the ability to distribute workloads to external coders. Typically, you want to allocate specific workloads to external users so they can code them, without also giving them full access to your Codeit account. This section explains the process of allocating work to external users.

For more detailed descriptions of the options available in the users/people sections and how to setup external coders, you can refer to the Users/People Settings Guide which contain all the settings that can be adjusted in the Administration area, in sections by screen or topic. 

Using allocations in codeit

The following tables summarize the steps to setup and use Allocations.

Adding a Coding AllocationA coding allocation can be used to specify which data a specific user should code.
Viewing the Coding Allocation coverageOnce the coding allocations are setup, you can view if your data is fully assigned to a coding allocation.
Adding a Verify AllocationA verify allocation can be used to specify which data a specific user should verify and check.
Viewing the Verify Allocation coverageOnce the verify allocations are setup, you can view if your data is fully assigned to a verify allocation.

Orientation Video Guide

Additional Information on Coding Allocation

Once an allocation rule has been applied and workloads are allocated to a coder, the workloads will remain allocated to that coder until the allocation rule is removed (or the workloads are deleted).  Allocation rules are re-evaluated when data changes occur (e.g. when importing new data, creating new tasks or deleting records).

Note that when external users log into Codeit, they will see a simplified dashboard that just contains a list of the items allocated to them. Clicking on the "Code" button on each row, will take the coder directly into the relevant coding screen for that Task/Wave/Language combination.

You can enable a "Notify Complete" button on the External Coder dashboard.  When the coder clicks this button, Codeit will send an email notification to any Project Owners assigned to the project to inform them that the coder has completed this unit of work.This option is switched off by default. In order to enable it, you need to set the "Show Complete Button on External Dashboard" company setting to "Yes" in the company settings page.