
The "Tasks" panel in the Project Details page shows a list of the coding Tasks within your project.
It also gives you access to stats for each Task and the ability to edit certain aspects of a Task.

Accessing the Tasks panel

To view the config panel, click the "Tasks" button in the ribbon within the Project Details page.

Panel Fields

Information about Tasks is shown in a table, with the following columns: 

TaskThe unique name that identifies a Task in a ProjectYes
Task TypeThe type of verbatim data contained within a Task (e.g. Text, Brand Coding, Adverse Events, etc) Yes
Source VariableThe variable containing the verbatim data being coded by a Task.No
AI SettingsThe AI options and guardrails enabled for a TaskYes
Context VariablesAny ariable which should be displayed to the coder alongside the Verbatim responses when coding
CodeframeThe codeframe attached to the Task via the Target Variable assigned to the task Yes
Total WorkloadsThe total number of Verbatims loaded into the TaskNo
Codes AppliedThe total number of codes applied to Verbatims within the TaskNo
Unique WorkloadsCount of the number of distinct Verbatims in the Task.
e.g. If 10 respondents provide the same verbatim response "Good service", then these will be grouped together and give a distinct count of 1, since across all 10 respondents there is only 1 unique Verbatim.
Unique Workloads CodedCount of each Unique Workloads (see above) where one or more codes have been applied. No
Sentiment EnabledWhether the Task has the AI Sentiment functionnality enabled. If enabled, the AI coding will be sentiment-based. Learn more hereNo