
Workloads are the fundamental unit used to measure your usage of codeit. Your license grants you a Workload allowance, which determines the total volume of data you can process through codeit during your license term. Workloads are, therefore, a key concept to understand in order to understand how your usage relates to billing.

This page defines what a Workload is, and when a Workload is charged against your Workload allowance.

What is a Workload in codeit?

A Verbatim comment becomes a Workload when it is added to a Task. A Workload is only charged against your Workload allowance, when it is "Processed" in some way (see below). Once a workload is "Processed" it counts as one Workload against your Workload allowance. It doesn't matter if your Workload is processed in multiple ways (e.g. Translation + Coding) the charge is the same - it counts as one Workload against your Workload allowance.

You can import any amount of data into your codeit project at no charge - the charge only applies when a Verbatim comment becomes a Workload and that Workload is processed.

What is "Processing" in codeit?

There are three ways that a Workload can be processed in codeit:

Coding AppliedA Workload has codes applied to it in codeit, either by a coder or by the AI.
It doesn't matter how many codes are eventually applied to the Verbatim, or how many times the coding is changed, the Workload charge is triggered the first time a code is applied in codeit to the Verbatim. 
Auto Translation AppliedA Verbatim comment is Translated from one language to another in codeit.
Text Analytics AppliedA Verbatim is analysed through themeit using the Extract Themes tool. It doesn't matter if themeit is able to autocode the Verbatim or not, the act of passing the Verbatim through themeit means that the Workload is considered "Processed" at this point.

One charge per Workload

It is worth re-emphasising, that each Workload is charged only once - it is either processed or unprocessed. It doesn't matter if you apply one, two or all three of the methods above, the charge is incurred once, and only once, when the first method is applied.

Why Workloads and not Verbatims?

codeit uses Workloads because a Verbatim can exist in more than one Task. For example, if a Verbatim needs to be coded for themes and for adverse events you would set up two Tasks, one for each purpose. This would incur a charge of two Workloads for each Verbatim because each Verbatim is coded two different ways.

Is there a charge for uploading/storing data?

No. The data you upload to codeit does not count against your Workload allowance. For example, you can upload coded data to train the Machine Learning, or upload data to Context Variables and these will not count against your Workload allowance.  You Workload allowance is only deducted when a Verbatim is process, as outlined above.