
The Project Details page within codeit provides a single place where you can access detailed information and configuration for a given Project.

Page Sections

The Project Details page contains the following sections:

ConfigView and edit the details of a project, such as name, project code and status
AIView and edit the AI settings for a Project 
TasksView and edit the Tasks within a Project
WavesView and edit the Waves within a Project
LanguagesView and edit the Languages within a Project
VariablesView and edit the Variables within a Project
BackupsView and edit Project backups
UploadsView the history of data uploads on a Project
ActivityView any active processes running on a Project
Data ToolsAccess tools for manipulating data on a Project

How to access the Project Details page

The Project Details page can be accessed from the Project Dashboard by clicking the information icon next to the name of the Project you want to access: