
While visually exploring your themes within themeit, you may also want to make refinements to your data. themeit's automated theme extraction and coding will get you a long way, but can often be improved by human curation and refinement.

themeit supports the following refinements directly within the main data visualisation user interface:

Rename a themeChange the text label of a theme. e.g. change "Good Price" to "Good Price / Value"
Collapse themesMerge two or more themes together into a single theme. e.g. merge "Good Flavor" and "Good Taste" together into a single "Good Flavor" theme
Adjust codingChange the themes applied to a given verbatim and, optionally, which specific segment of text each theme applies to

For more advanced and detailed refinements to your data, you can switch themeit into "Manual Coding" to take advantage of codeit's fully fledged manual coding interface. For more details see here.