
The visualisations in themeit provide a powerful way to view and interact with your data.
However, sometimes it is useful to export these so they can be used as inputs into other deliverables.
themeit provides a simple export mechanism and supports two export formats: Image and PowerPoint. 

The Export Wizard also provides an Excel Export for the data. See here for more details.

Visualisation Toolbar

The export functions are accessed using the visualisation toolbar in themeit.

This toolbar offers three functions, as follows: 

  • Export to Image
    Exports the currently visible data visualisation to a .png image file.

  • Export to PowerPoint
    Exports the currently visible data visualisation to a PowerPoint .pptx file. 
    The slide(s) in the exported file contain native PowerPoint charts (i.e. backed by embedded data) so they can be edited and adjusted as required when inserting into your own deliverables.  

  • Full Screen View
    Changes the view of the data visualisation panel so it occupies the full width of the screen and the data explorer panel is hidden.

Data Export

The data displayed in themeit can be exported in an Excel format for further visualisation or analysis in another tool.
See here for details.