One you have selected the activity you want to undertake from the coding start menu wizard, you are able to select the specific records you want to work with using the filter options below.

Filter data - data selection tab

For manual and brand coding, and quality checking, you are able to filter the dataset you work with.

IncludeUse this option to select the type of records you want to include in your data, coded verbatims only, uncoded verbatims only or both.
Manual Coding Only
QuantitySelect whether you want to include all records, just a fixed number of records or a percentage
Fixed amount
(if selected above) Enter the number of records you want to include in your coding session
Percentage(if selected above) Enter the percentage of records you want to include in your coding session
Quality checking only
CodersAll coders are selected by default but a specific coder or coders can be selected for verification, useful for reviewing the work of a new coder, for example.

Filter data - advanced filters

Within the filter data page, as well as the standard data selection options above, the advanced filters shown below can also be used to fine tune the data you select for your coding or quality checking.

Filter by timeSelect 'Yes' if you want show data coded in a specific date/time range only
QA StatusUse this option to include and exclude records that have been checked and given a specific quality assurance status during the Quality Checking process.

Find out more about undertaking quality checking here and an explanation on each of the status types here.
Flag typesFlags are a way of highlighting a particular verbatim comment.  For example, while in coding or verify mode, the coder or supervisor might want to flag a verbatim for different reasons, such as language quality, respondent needs follow up, etc.

If you have set up flags for your company, this option allows you to filter by the flag types you have set up.

Find out more about setting up and using flags here.
If filter by time
Starting fromSelect a start date/time that records were coded
Ending atSelect an end date/time that records were coded