When exporting data from codeit, it is sometimes necessary to specifically control the order of columns within the export. Watch the video below to learn how to control the export column order and refer to the options in the table below to decide which suits your requirements best.

Export order options

See the table below for the different export order options and what they look like.

OptionDescriptionExample / Steps
Default Order
The default order of columns is the order in which they appear in the Admin "Variables" list.  This will usually be imported variables first, coded variables after.Q1, Q2, Q3, Q1_c, Q2_c, Q3_c
Source/Target Paring

This ordering exports coded columns to the right of the source columns they relate to.  In this way, coded data is automatically interleaved within the export file.

Any columns (e.g. context variables) that are used as neither a source or target variable are appended to the end of the file.

Q1, Q1_c, Q2, Q2_c, Q3, Q3_c
Manual changeYou can manually change the default ordering to whatever layout you choose.
You can reorder the variable export via Administration > View Project > Variables > Change default variable order