When exporting data from codeit, the file(s) and each variable or column exported are given a name.  This article outlines the different options for variable and file naming.  

Variable Naming in detail

Variable names created in Codeit follow a naming convention.  The target variable suffix is only required for target variables mapped within Codeit e.g. Q1_c being the coded version of the verbatim question Q1.  Usually a variable will use either loop nesting or order nesting so both will not appear.  

Variable Name_Loop_Order_Target Variable Suffix_MulticodeIndex

For example, for Q2 first loop iteration, code 1, the variable name would be;


More information on each of the elements of the variable naming can be found in the table below.  For more information on nesting data formats, search 'nest' in the help.

ItemExplanationAdditional Information
Variable NameThe text name of a variable being exported. Usually determined by import file or data linkMandatory field
LoopDenotes a specific Loop iteration index within a variableIf a variable does not use Loop nesting, then this element will be omitted
OrderDenotes a specific Order index within a variableIf a variable does not user Order nesting, then this element will be omitted.

Usually a variable will use either loop nesting or order nesting so both will not appear.

Target Variable SuffixThe suffix as defined int he company settings (or adjusted) to denote a target variable e.g. _cTarget Variables are those variables where the coded data is stored must have a suffix to distinguish from the original uncoded version of the variable.
MulticodeIndexDenotes a specific Multicode index within a variable- If a variable does not have a codeframe attached, then this element will be omitted
- If the Multicode Export Type of a coded variable is set to "Concatenated" then this element will be omitted as the complete contents of the variable will be in this one column
- If the Maximum Codes Allowed setting of a variable is set to 1 then this element will be omitted (i.e. the variable is effectively single coded)
- If the Maximum Codes Allowed setting is not set, but the data being exported only contains a maximum of one response, then this element will be omitted.

Variable Naming Schemes in codeit

Clients may have different conventions for variable naming and there are two file naming schemes available in codeit, which may be required depending on the client software used.  

The Standard Naming Scheme (also called Scheme B) is the standard scheme used.  Within this scheme, it is also possible to choose a dichotomous export, which is explained in a separate section below.

The Legacy Naming Scheme (also called Scheme A) is for specific Decipher clients only.  Unless you use Decipher and require the legacy scheme for ongoing projects, you do not need to learn about this as you will only use the Standard Naming Scheme (Scheme B). For Decipher users who need more information on the legacy naming scheme can find out more by contacting Codeit Support.

The Standard approach to variable naming is summarised below.

Type of variableNaming within CodeitNaming on Export
Imported VariablesOriginal retained e.g. Q1Original re-applied e.g. Q1
Imported Nested VariablesOriginal retained with nesting merged e.g. Q1_1 Q1_2 into Q1 Original reapplied with nesting expanded e.g. Q1_1, Q1_2
Created Variables (e.g. target variables)Source variable with suffix* e.g. Q1_cSource variable with suffix e.g. Q1_c

* Suffix set in company settings but can be adjusted as required.  Usually kept to '_c'.

codeit Export Naming Scheme - Alternatives

codeit does have a mechanism that allows you to override the default naming convention and, instead, provide your own custom naming mechanism.  At the time of writing, this mechanism is not visible via the codeit user interface. If you are interested in using this mechanism, please contact support.