
When a theme is applied to a verbatim, it is also possible to also attach a sentiment along with that assignment. For example, you might apply the theme "Taste" to a verbatim, and for further precision, attach a positive sentiment to that assignment, to show there is is a positive mention of "Taste" within the verbatim.

themeit will automatically assign a sentiment rating to each theme when automatically applying themes. However, sometimes you may want to adjust this if you disagree with the automatically generated rating. Themes that are applied manually by users will also need to have the sentiment rating manually applied, if required.

Required Steps

If you want to change the sentiment rating for a theme applied to a verbatim, follow these steps:

  1. With the theme editor enabled, click the theme who's sentiment score you want to edit

  2. Click the sentiment icon, and select the sentiment you want to apply to this theme on this verbatim

  3. At this point you can either apply the changes, or further edit the theme by editing the theme segment

See Also: