codeit provides a number of different tools that use AI (Artificial intelligence) to perform coding tasks so that you can reduce or minimise the amount of coding that needs to be done by a human.  One of these methods used is Text Rules.

What are Text Rules?

Text Rules enable the automatic application of codes by matching using user-defined text matching rules.
Text matching rules are defined using syntax that define text patterns to search for.

Items in a codeit codeframe can have text matching rules attached to them.  For example, you might specify a rule that any verbatims containing the text "Coke" or "Pepsi" should be automatically mapped to  "Code (2) - Colas".  

You can allow the AI system to use these rules in the autocoding process.  So, in the example above, the verbatim "I like Coke" would be automatically coded as code 2.  Text matching rules are also useful for filtering items. So, in the example above, filtering on the text match rules for "Code (2)" would display any items containing the text "Coke" or "Pepsi".

How can this be set up in codeit?

Watch the video below to learn how to set up and apply Text Rules in codeit.  Text Rules can be applied right from the start of the project but should only be set up by those with syntax experience and should only be applied with full understanding of the concept and execution.  Refer to this full list of syntax used for Text Rules in codeit.

You can find a guide to the symbols used in the verbatim screen for the different AI functions here.