codeit provides a number of different tools that use AI (Artificial intelligence) to perform coding tasks so that you can reduce or minimise the amount of coding that needs to be done by a human.  The most simple method used is Text Matching.

What is text matching?

Text Matching automatically applies codes by matching verbatims against identical previously coded verbatims, or matching the verbatim text against the text of codeframe items.

For example, if the code 'San Miguel' is created, text matching will look for all instances of the exact text match 'San Miguel' within the verbatim and assign those instances with code 1.

How can this be set up in codeit?

Watch the video below to learn how to set up and apply Text Matching in codeit.  It can be applied right from the start of the project and is suitable for anyone to set up (no technical programming experience required).

You can find a guide to the symbols used in the verbatim screen for the different AI functions here.