When in the brand coding panel (area below the headings row), there are two different right click menus depending on where you click.  If you click on one of the green highlighted code suggestions, you will get the menu shown below.

When you expand to show the verbatims that fall within a suggestion, the right click menu that appears is shown below.

All right click options as per the two menus are described in the table below.

Uncode / Accept Suggestion
Click here to remove this suggested code from the list.  All verbatims will have this code removed.  You can toggle back to 'accept suggestion' which will add the codes back to each verbatim.
Expand / Collapse Matching ValuesToggles between showing and hiding the verbatims that have been allocated to each suggested code.
Move this value to 'unallocated'Allows you to remove individual verbatims from the suggested code.  Once removed, these verbatim IDs will move to 'unallocated' at the bottom of the suggested codes.