At the top of the coding panel, you presented with a number of options that enable you to filter the verbatims that you are presented with for coding.  These options differ slightly depending on whether you are manual coding, brand coding or quality checking.  See the screenshots of the filters as presented for each coding mode below, with explanations for all options provided in the table.  Note that for the symbols, when the symbol is clicked, it will toggle between showing or removing the filter described.

Manual coding

Quality checking

SymbolAvailable for..
Description (show/hide)
FilterAllEnter a word or phrase to search for within verbatims.
For more details, click here
Reg/ExAllEnable regular expression in search
Find out more here
Manual codingCoded (both coded by AI or manually)
Manual coding
Manual coding, Quality checking
Manually coded
Manual coding, Quality checking
Text match rules (all)
Find out more here
Manual coding
Suggestions (all)
This opens the Suggestion filter panel, more details here
Manual coding, Quality checking

Coded by AI. Displays the codes applied by the different AI layers. Find out more about the AI layers here.
Items with invalid codes. Invalid codes can happen when a code is deleted by another user while coding.
Manual coding
Open Word Counts list. This opens a separate window showing the most to least mentioned individual words within the verbatim, with the count of each word.  Within this screen, you can also filter to find the keyword you are looking for.
Brand codingFully coded suggestions
Brand coding
Uncompleted suggestions. These are verbatims have not been coded yet.
Brand coding
Unallocated only. These are verbatims that have not had any code assigned or suggested.