If you're starting a new coding project, you'll need to create an initial codeframe before you can apply any codes to your data. The process of building up a codeframe from scratch can be time-consuming. To help speed up this process, Codeit's "Codeframe Builder" tool can kick-start your coding and get you on your way much more quickly. 

How does it work? 

The Codeframe Builder uses the latest ChatGPT AI technology.  ChatGPT is an incredibly effective tool for summarising large amounts of text. If we feed it a set of verbatims, it can do a reasonable job of suggesting the themes found within those verbatims. This is very handy for coding, because we can construct a draft codeframe from these themes. 
So, the Codeframe Builder works by passing your verbatim data to a ChatGPT service, adding a bit of Codeit magic and automatically creating a codeframe for you to use.

Can it code my data too?

This is where things get a bit tricky. Although ChatGPT is very powerful and can extract sensible themes from your verbatims, it is not so good at applying those themes to individual verbatims. Accuracy and precision are critical in the world of Market Research, so if we rely on ChatGPT to do all of our coding then we're going to be disappointed by the results.
That said, it can code fairly simple verbatims at an acceptable level of accuracy. Therefore, if you choose the "Autocode" option (see following section) then the Codeframe Builder will also apply a certain amount of autocoding as long as it's within safe limits. On a typical coding project you might expect an autocoding level of 10%-20% with an accuracy level of 90%.

How do I use it?

When working in a coding screen, if your codeframe is empty, you will see a blue "Codeframe Builder" button.

When you click this button, you'll see the Codeframe Builder dialog. It offers three modes of operation (see next section). Select the mode you require and press "Start".

The generation process will take a few minutes to complete, so Codeit will return you to the project dashboard while this is underway. Once the process is complete, you can begin coding. You are completely free to refine the codeframe, use any suggestions generated and alter any codes applied.

What are the different modes?

The Codeframe Builder can do more or less work for you depending on your needs. The three modes available are:



Generate Codeframe

Automatically extracts themes from your verbatims and uses these to generate a starting codeframe.

Generate Suggested Coding

Generates Codeframe (as above)
 Also automatically generates suggestions as to which codes should be applied to which verbatims. These suggestions can be used as filters in the coding screen. 

Auto-code Verbatims

Generates Codeframe and Suggested Coding (as above)
Also automatically codes verbatims that meet the confidence threshold of 85%

How do I enable the Codeframe Builder?

As some people have reservations and concerns about ChatGPT, the Codeframe Builder feature is not enabled by default.
So, if you don't see this feature, you will need to contact support (support@digitaltaxonomy.freshdesk.com) and ask for this feature to be enabled. 

What about data privacy?

We understand that data privacy is important and so the Codeframe Builder does not use any 3rd party services that would compromise that. You can read the exact details of our OpenAI privacy page.  

What about Codeit's Machine Learning?

Once coding is underway, you can take advantage of Codeit's in-built machine learning system.
This will automatically build a custom machine learning model based on the coding you (or the Codeframe Builder) do.
Once the model is in place, it can be used to autocode new verbatim data as it is added.
It doesn't matter whether you created the codeframe from scratch, or whether you created it via the Codeframe Builder - the machine learning process works just the same. Refer to this page for more details.